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Structural Surveys

Foundation inspection pits 

For modification works to existing structures, it’s often critical to understand the state of the foundation underpinning the current structure, in order to understand what modifications can be made in the current state or whether additions/changes are required in order to make them suitable for planned alterations. All foundation investigations are logged by experienced geotechnical engineers, photographed and reported using computer aided design to ensure the end user has a detailed representation for later design works.


Diamond core drilling

We provide a range of diamond core drilling services to suit any requirement, from narrow (25mm Φ) vertical cores for arch barrel investigations, standard (75mm Φ) horizontal cores for wall and void/fill investigations and wide (450mm Φ) vertical enabling cores for progressing exploratory works. Our coring procedures are streamlined, to reduce manual handling and facilitate a single man operation technique, enabling safer works particularly in confined space. 

Plate Bearing Kit

We have a plate bearing kit with a range of plate sizes for many applications, including plate bearing tests for pile mat design and CBR tests for highways design. We have a wealth of experience undertaking these tests over many years and can advise on which kit is suitable for given situations.


Dynamic Cone Penetrometer Testing

For difficult access locations, we carry a DCP test kit to provide qualitative in situ geotechnical testing, identify ground condition layer boundaries with as little intrusion as possible and provide indicative CBR values for informing highways design.

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